Merchant Cash Advance
We Make It Easy to Get a Merchant Cash Advance for Your Business
Are you thinking about applying for a merchant cash advance? There are many reasons to get a cash advance from First Class Lending instead of applying for a standard loan. Since a cash advance is taken against your merchant account, it’s a little different from a standard loan. For one thing, you don’t have to remember monthly payments with a cash advance. Instead, you’ll be thrilled at how easy the automated repayment process is. We’ll simply take a percentage of your company’s credit card sales to meet your cash advance repayment needs.
Cash Advance Advantages
In addition to the exceptionally simple payback terms, a cash advance also offers other benefits to qualified applicants. They include:
- Funds that typically arrive within seven days
- No equity loss or closing costs
- No fixed payments or application fees
- Minimal paperwork to fill out
- No collateral requirements
A cash advance is a great option for businesses that have previously failed to get loan approval or that have poor credit scores.
Get In Touch Today
We’d love to show you how easy it can be to qualify for a merchant cash advance, no matter how new or old your business may be. To learn more or to get an application in your hands right away, get in touch with us and we’ll initiate the process.